Location: Revelstoke, British Columbia
Project Type: New Hospitality Buildings
Status: Built
Completion: Completed 2020
Owner: Basecamp Resorts
Size: 2 499 square metres (26 900 square feet)
Site Area: 13 015 square metres (3.1 acres)
Unit Count: 62 Units
Basecamp Resorts in Revelstoke is nestled precariously into the riverbank looking over the Columbia River. The intention of its architecture is to allow for visiting mountain adventurers to remain connected to the natural environment they love, even when winding down in a hotel at the end of the day.
The ground units are anchored into the sloped terrain of the riverbank in a manner reminiscent of local dam structures. On top, multi level townhouse units are individually "deposited" and naturally "shifted" in the direction of the river flowing below towards optimal southwestern views. This "shifting" defines the architecture and is further accentuated by the segmenting and stepping of the buildings necessitated by the sharp slope of the site downward towards the river.
The relationship between the ground floor and townhouse units defines the exterior aesthetic. The ground floor units are clad in stone work to evoke a sense of tectonic anchoring into the river bank. While the shifting townhouses above are clad in a mix of corrugated metal panels and fibre cement lap boarding siding, suggestive of the loose river deposits above.

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